The 2017 TSG AGM promises to be something quite different, and spectacular! The University of Liverpool will be hosting the first Joint Assembly of the Tectonic Study Group (TSG), Volcanic and Magmatic Study Group (VMSG), and British Geophysical Association (BGA) on 4-6th January 2017. For all the details visit:

REGISTRATION AND ABSTRACT SUBMISSION IS NOW OPEN for the Joint Assembly – Register before 12 th October for the Early Bird rates HERE and submit your abstract following the guidelines HERE until 26th October.


29th August – Registration and abstract submission open

12th October – End early bird registration

26th October – Abstract submission deadline

2nd November – Close of registration

The Joint Assembly will consist of cross-disciplinary and focused symposia to encourage integration and collaboration across study groups whilst maintaining the high level of content and specialisation that the TSG annual meetings always provide – A full session list is now available HERE. We particularly invite early career scientists to contribute to the scientific programme and will welcome presentations that represent Research in Progress.

Registration will include full access to the 3-day multi-disciplinary scientific programme, teas/ coffees/ snacks/ lunches and our packed social calendar including meet & greet at McCooleys, Ice-breaker reception at the University and conference dinner and party in one of Liverpool’s iconic converted dockside warehouses –Camp and Furnace.

A number of workshops will be offered after the meeting, from Experimental Methodologies, to Tomographic Imaging to Geophysical Monitoring Techniques.

We look forward to welcome you all in Liverpool, the perfect, vibrant location for this exciting new joint venture! For more details, including area, hotel and restaurant guides, see our website at bga/ and don’t forget to check back soon for details of our Keynote presentations and Workshops!

For questions or comments, or to get involved, contact and follow us on twitter @GeoLiv2017 and join our Facebook Group Joint Assembly 2017.
