The BritRock prize is a new prize (first awarded in 2017) which is awarded to the best PhD presentation (poster of talk) at the annual meeting that incorporates a significant element of laboratory rock deformation in the course of the research. The prize has been made available via an agreement with the BritRock group – or the UK rock deformation network – who have recently become an affiliated group to the TSG and who represent the 11 rock deformation laboratories currently active in the UK community.
Thanks to a surplus generated after the 2015 EURO-conference, the BritRock group is happy to be able to make the new £200 prize an annual event at TSG, and also raise the visibility of rock mechanics/physics in future events.
Previous Winners
2022 – Claudia Elijas Parra (University of Edinburgh): “Quantifying crack network evolution during failure of a porous rock”
2021 – Lucille Carbillet (University of Strasbourg): “Cooking synthetic rocks in the laboratory: preparing “sandstones” with known microstructural attributes”
2020 – not awarded
2019 – not awarded
2018 – Carolina Giorgetti (Durham University/Sapienza University of Rome): “Fault reactivation: insights from triaxial saw-cut experiments”
2017 – Chris Harbord
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