Elvira Papaleo, University of Aberdeen, AGU
At the conference I presented the poster “High-resolution teleseismic tomography reveals a complex lithospheric structure beneath the North Anatolian Fault”, co-authored by David Cornwell and Nicholas Rawlinson, where I showed a 3D velocity model of the crust and upper mantle beneath the westernmost part of the North Anatolian Fault obtained using the passive seismic data recorded by a dense array of seismic stations. During my poster session I have been able to discuss my results with many people and received encouraging feedback and comments that gave me new ideas for my PhD research and definitely improved the paper I am about to submit.
During the conference I have also attended several sessions, mostly focussing on fault evolution both at macroscopic and microscopic scale, which improved my understanding on these subjects and helped me to look at the problem from different perspectives.
Attending the Fall Meeting was definitely a great experience and I’m really grateful to the TSG for their support, thank you!
James Norcliffe, University of Leeds, EGU, Austria
I was awarded the TSG student travel bursary to support my attendance to the 35 th International Geological Congress (IGC) in Cape Town, South Africa. This gave me the opportunity to present my work at a major international conference and gain important feedback on my PhD results.
My poster was titled “Magmatic segments abandoned during continental breakup: Insights into the formation of seaward dipping reflectors” and was co-authored by Douglas Paton, Estelle Mortimer, Andrew McCaig, and Karyna Rodriguez. The poster showed recent results of my PhD; where I have used seismic reflection data from the Orange Basin, offshore South Africa, to assess the roles of faulting and magmatism in accommodating continental breakup. The feedback I received was encouraging and helped clarify the next steps of my PhD.
I attended several sessions focused on basin formation and continental breakup. These featured talks from geologists, geophysicists and numerical modellers, which kept me up to date with the recent advances and debates within my field. Additionally, attending several structural geology sessions developed my understanding of the mechanics of magma intrusion. Given that I work with seismic data this gave me an excellent opportunity to compare my results with those seen in the field.
I’d like to thank the TSG very much for helping me attend this conference, and by extension for supporting the development of my PhD and future career. I hope to be able to share my results at the TSG meeting in January 2017!
Amicia Lee, University of Leeds, EGU, Austria
I was awarded a TSG student travel bursary to present my work at the EGU General Assembly 2016. Without the support of TSG I would not have been able to attend EGU 2016, and after learning so much over the week this would have been a great loss.
The first session I attended on ‘Analysis of microstructure, texture and deformation mechanisms in nature and experiment’ was an invaluable experience; over the course of a few hours I was inundated with new ideas and ways to tackle problems within my PhD. By the end of day 1 I was quoted to say ‘I love science!’. As the conference progressed I enhanced my knowledge in both deformation microstructures and crustal seismology – two very different, but key topics within my PhD project.
My poster Partial melt and seismic properties: A case study from the Seiland Igneous Province, Norway authored by Andrew Walker, Geoffrey Lloyd, Taija Torvela and myself, reviewed the seismic melt modelling I have been working on for the past year. The models take rock data from previously melted lower crustal rocks and simulate seismic data for if they were melting in the lower crust today. There was a lot of positive feedback surrounding my poster as well as constructive criticism giving me new ways to improve my modelling. A lot of people wanted to know when my models were going to be published, this was very encouraging and reassured me of the relevance of my research.
I would like to say a huge thank you to TSG for supporting my research and providing me with this invaluable learning experience.
earall@leeds.ac.uk | EGU Poster
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