In recent years TSG has sponsored and helped to organise a number of field workshops (including trips to Scotland, Spain and Italy). Although these trips are open to all to attend, the main focus of these field trips is to bring together students to debate and discuss structural geology in a fieldtrip environment. The trips are commonly planned and run by the students themselves. Options for future fieldtrips are generally discussed at the annual general meetings each year.
Please contact the TSG committee if you have any suggestions or proposals for future field workshops.
Upcoming Fieldtrips
We will be announcing further news on fieldtrips in due course. Watch this space!
Previous Fieldtrips
Rhoscolyn, Anglesey: The first TSG Virtual Fieldtrip
The California Fieldtrip (April)
The Outer Hebrides Fieldtrip, Scotland (June)
The Carboneras Fieldtrip, Spain (September)
The Elba Fieldtrip, Italy (September)
The Shetlands Fieldtrip, Scotland (June)
The NW Highlands Fieldtrip, Scotland (June)
Isle of Anglesey Fieldtrip, Wales (May)
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