A specialist group affiliated to The Geological Society of London

Category: Community

Earth Science, Systems and Society Inaugural Special issues

Earth Science, Systems and Society Inaugural Special issues

It is our pleasure to highlight the launch of a new open access journal ES3 (Earth Science, Systems and Society). ES3 is an official journal of the Geological Society focusing on encouraging inclusivity and diversity in publishing, engaging directly with early career researchers, embodying principles of openness and transparency in science, and presenting a forward-looking perspective on geoscience and related disciplines. With a scope covering the breadth of the geosciences, ES3 has a special focus on cross-disciplinary research that showcases the relevance of geoscience to sustainability in society.

As part of this launch, ES3 has announced three special issues. We are seeking contributions for research and review papers. The special issues are

Sustainability in the Extractive Industries

Earth Sciences and the Race to Net Zero

Hazards and Society

More information for each Special Issue is available via the website. We aim for the first articles and Editorial for the sustainability and net zero special issues to be published ahead of COP26 in November 2021, but submissions to the special issues will remain open until December 2022. Submissions for the geohazards special issue are open until 31 December 2021.

Virtual Geology

In an overwhelming response to the spread of Covid-19, which had most of us confined to our homes and put a sudden halt to hands-on teaching, the geoscience community made available a host of digital resources for online teaching including virtual field trips, digital microscopy platforms and thin section collections, online lectures, and so much more. TSG is collating some of these to make them more accessible. Please help us grow this collection by forwarding any useful material you may come across to TSG.

Virtual Geology Collection